Candace Hollis / TJF Secretary – joined the Victoria Jaycees in 1999. Being an active member, in 2002, Candace was elected the 61st President of the Victoria Jaycees. She was awarded the George O Wilson award for Outstanding Chapter Presidents from the Texas Jaycees. In 2003 She went on to serve as the state liaison as Chairperson of the Local President’s Council, in 2003. 2004, Candace was a busy Jaycee, serving the Texas Jaycees as Regional Director, the Victoria Jaycees as Treasurer and Project Coordinator for the Victoria Jaycees Livestock Show. As you can imagine she was recognized as the Outstanding Officer of the Year by the Texas Jaycees and due to her leadership and work ethics the Livestock Show was awarded Project of the year by the Texas Jaycees. In 2005 Candace continued her Jaycee career serving as the Management Development (Business) Vice President, and then in 2006 she served as the Administrative Vice President for the Texas Jaycees. Next for Candace, the needs of the Texas Jaycees were served by her as the Membership Development VP in 2007. Then in 2008 Candace served as the 81st President of the Texas Jaycees. Texas was ranked 5th in the Parade of States and was a growth state/President. Candace did not stop here as she went on to serve the US Junior Chamber as the Support the Troops Program Manager in 2009, before being elected to serve as National Vice President in 2010. Candace was assigned the states of Delaware, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, and Virginia. From Candace’s energy she was asked to serve as National Parade Program Manager in 2011 for the USJC before becoming an advisor for the Texas Jaycees in 2012 and Primary Advisor in 2013 and 2014. In 2014 and 2015 Candace was elected Secretary of the Texas Jaycee Foundation. Candace is Ambassador #4239 and Senator # 65572.
I am a wife of 21 years and mother of two beautiful girls.
In 1988 my parents, Patricia and Stephen Niles, started Thrifty Nickel in Bryan Texas with their life savings. I began working at Thrifty Nickel when I was a Junior in High School as a typist, delivery driver, answering phones and cleaning.
In 1996 my sister and brother in law started the Thrifty Nickel in Victoria Texas and a year later I moved to Victoria to work in their marketing department. After 8 years in sales I decided it was time to begin the next phase of my career and my husband and I moved to College Station so my parents could retire. I have been managing the American Classifieds in Bryan since 2005 and we strive to stay on top of what our clients need and want, as technology and economy change on a daily basis.
I joined the Victoria Jaycees, The Texas Junior Chamber, in 1997 while living in Victoria. Joining the Jaycees gave me the opportunity to attend leadership, motivational and self-growth seminars and training’s. With the knowledge and skills I gained while volunteering in the Jaycees, attending seminars, classes, and training’s I have been able to continue the growth of our business and am a successful leader and Manager of our team.
American Classifieds, aka Thrifty Nickel, is a weekly publication in print and online and is packed with clients we have formed partnerships with to aid in the growth of their business. For 27 years we have assisted many of our clients in growing their business’ not only locally but nationally. We continuously strive to increase our knowledge and skills in order to maintain the success we have had for 27 years.
Texas Jaycee Foundation
P.O. Box 872
Rowlett, TX - 75030