Scholarship Eligibility: Individual persons wishing to enroll in an accredited Texas College, University or Technical School. You must be a U.S. citizen to apply for this scholarship and a permanent resident of the State of Texas. Immediate Family members of Foundation Officers are ineligible.
This package contains information and directions for applying to the Texas Jaycee Foundation Scholarship Program. Each year grants not to exceed $1000 will be awarded to individuals wishing to continue their education at accredited post-secondary colleges, universities or vocational schools. The number of grants awarded annually will be at the discretion of the Texas Jaycee Foundation. Applicant must be a full-time student or employed full time while attending school part time. Checks awarded will be paid directly to an accredited institution in the State of Texas. Applicants need not be a member of the Jaycees.
Instructions for applying for the Texas Jaycee Foundation Scholarship: Please read the following points carefully. Failure to comply may be cause for disqualification.
- Submission preference will be in a Microsoft Word compatible format. Typed or neatly hand printed
(blue or black ink only) submission will also be accepted.
- Included in this application package are all the necessary forms.
- Supporting documentation of your choice may follow each page as appropriate. Be as descriptive as
you can.
- Reference letters are limited to three (3) with a maximum length of one (1) page each.
- You will receive credit for each reference letter included.
- Your personal statement should be the last page of the application form. This is an important document
be sure to use as much description as possible.
- Your financial information is a must. Use this section to plea for assistance if needed.
- Your school transcript should be the very last attachment to your application packet and must be based on a 4.0 scale. A 4.0 is not required. Scales not on a 4.0 scale will not be evaluated. Your counselor can help you convert your GPA to a 4.0 scale if needed. It can be handwritten on the transcript.
- Your name must be on the top of each sheet in the package, along with a page numbering system that states “page __ of __”. When using a MS-Word compatible editor, enter your name in the ‘Header’ section.
- All materials MUST be submitted under one cover. Materials sent in multiple mailings will NOT be accepted.
- Your application must be postmarked no later than March 8, 2024.
- Your application will be evaluated by persons outside of your area so do not use acronyms for items such as; clubs, programs, event, or awards where they are not national programs. Where the name of the item is not self-explanatory, include a description. Example: REACH or J. Doe Memorial Award, should include a description such as: St. Thomas Methodist REACH program to feed the homeless, J. Doe Memorial Award for Top Female Tennis player.
- Sign the bottom of the Personal Statement section
- Recipients agree to using names for promotional materials to be used by the Texas Jaycee Foundation.
- Recipients chosen to receive the scholarships will be notified in writing from the Texas Jaycee Foundation
Chairman or Treasurer.
To submit your application package:
Downloadable PDF Application:
- CLICK HERE to download – this PDF can either be filled in using Adobe Acrobat Reader or by hand after printing